University of Zurich

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Giger, Nathalie (2011). "The Risk of Social Policy? The electoral consequences of welfare state retrenchment and social policy performance in OECD countries", Routledge, London.

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See a review by Christoph Arndt here.

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         Journal Articles

Lefkofridi, Zoe, Nathalie Giger, and Anne Maria Holli (2018) „Never equal? Gender stereotypes and political behavior in an egalitarian society”, Politics and Gender, forthcoming.

Giger, Nathalie and Moira Nelson (2018). “Social Investment by Popular Demand? The Electoral Politics of Employment-Centred Family Policy”, Comparative European Politics, forthcoming (online first available).

Giger, Nathalie and Gijs Schumacher (2018). „Do Leadership-dominated parties change more?”, Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 28:3, 349-360.

Traber, Denise, Giger, Nathalie and Silja Häusermann (2018). “How economic crises affect political representation: declining party-voter congruence in times of constrained government”, West European Politics, 41:5, 1100-1124.

Bräuninger, Thomas and Nathalie Giger (2018). “Strategic ambiguity of party positions in multiparty settings”, Political Science Research and Methods, 6:3, 527-548.

Schumacher, Gijs and Nathalie Giger (2017). “Who Leads the Party? On Membership Size, Selectorates and Party Oligarchy”, Political Studies, 65: 1_suppl, 162-181.

Rosset, Jan, Giger, Nathalie and Julian Bernauer (2017). “I the People? Self-interest and Demand for Government Responsiveness”, Comparative Political Studies, 50:6, 794-821.

Giger, Nathalie and Heike Klüver (2016). „Voting Against Your Constituents: How Lobbying Biases Representation”, American Journal of Political Science, 60:1, 190–205.

Giger, Nathalie and Sascha Huber (2015). “Der Einfluss des Geschlechts auf Kandidatenbeurteilungen. Eine experimentelle Studie zu Kontexteffekten und individuellen Faktoren in Deutschland”, Politische Vierteljahresschrift, Sonderheft 50, 336–361.

Bernauer, Julian, Giger, Nathalie and Jan Rosset (2015). "Mind the Gap. Do Electoral Systems Foster a More Equal Representation of Women and Men, Poor and Rich?", International Political Science Review, 36:1, 78-98.

Giger, Nathalie, Holli, Anne Marie, Lefkofridi, Zoe and Hanna Wass (2014). „The gender gap in same-gender voting. The role of context”, Electoral Studies, 20:2, 287–304.

De Vries, Catherine and Nathalie Giger (2014). "Holding governments accountable? Individual heterogeneity in performance voting", European Journal of Political Research, 53:2, 346-362.

Giger, Nathalie and Zoe Lefkofridi (2014). "Salience-Based Congruence Between Parties & their Voters: The Swiss Case", Swiss Political Science Review, 20:2, 287–304.

Lefkofridi, Zoe, Nathalie Giger and Aina Gallego (2013). "Electoral Participation in Pursuit of Policy Representation: Ideological Congruence and Voter Turnout", Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, online first available.

Rosset, Jan, Nathalie Giger and Julian Bernauer (2013). „More Money, Fewer Problems? Cross-Level Effects of Economic Deprivation on Political Representation”, West European Politics, 36:4, 817-835.

Giger, Nathalie and Moira Nelson (2013). “The Welfare State or the Economy? Preferences, Constituencies and Strategies for Retrenchment”, European Sociological Review, 29:5, 1083-1094.

Giger, Nathalie (2012). „Wie reagieren Wähler auf Sparpolitik? Eine theoretische und empirische Annäherung an die elektoralen Kosten von Sparpolitik”, der moderne staat (dms), 5:2, 291-312.

Giger, Nathalie (2012). “Is social policy retrenchment unpopular? How welfare reforms affect government popularity”, European Sociological Review, 28:5, 691-700.

Giger, Nathalie, Rosset, Jan, and Julian Bernauer (2012). "The poor Representation of the Poor in Comparative Perspective", Journal of Representation, 48:1, 47-61.

Giger, Nathalie, Müller, Jochen und Marc Debus (2011). "Die Bedeutung des regionalen Kontexts für die programmatische Positionierung von Schweizer Kantonalparteien", Swiss Political Science Review, 17:3, 259-85.

Giger, Nathalie and Moira Nelson (2011). "The Electoral Consequences of Welfare State Reform. Blame Avoidance or Credit Claiming in the Era of Permanent Austerity?", European Journal of Political Research, 50:1, 1-23.

Giger, Nathalie (2010). "Do Voters Punish the Government for Welfare State Retrenchment? A Comparative Study of Electoral Costs Associated with Social Policy", Comparative European Politics, 8:4, 415-443.

Giger, Nathalie (2009). "Towards a Modern Gender Gap in Europe? A Comparative Analysis of Voting Behavior in 12 Countries", Social Science Journal, 46:3, 474-492.

Giger, Nathalie and Andrea Mosimann (2008). "Zwischen Parteipolitik und gesellschaftlicher Notwendigkeit. Familienergänzende Kinderbetreuung auf kommunaler Ebene", Soziale Welt, 59:3, 227-246.

Armingeon, Klaus and Nathalie Giger (2008). "Conditional Punishment. A Comparative Analysis of the Electoral Consequences of Welfare State Retrenchment in OECD Nations, 1980-2003", West European Politics, 31:3, 558-580.
         Special Issue

Giger, Nathalie, Line Rennwald and Anke Tresch (2018). “The Swiss Elections 2015”, Swiss Political Science Review, forthcoming.

Lefkofridi, Zoe, Giger, Nathalie and Kathrin Kissau (2012). “Inequality and Representation in Europe”, Journal of Representation, 48:1.
         Conference Papers (recent only)

Traber, Denise, Miriam Hänni, Nathalie Giger and Christian Breunig (2018). „ What rich and poor consider important and how this matters for representation” to be presented at the APSA Annual Conference, Boston, August 29-Sept 2.

Giger, Nathalie and Davy-Kim Lascombes (2018). „ Growing income inequality, growing legitimacy: A longitudinal approach to perceptions of inequality” presented at the EPSA Annual Conference, Vienna, June 21-23.

Giger, Nathalie and Simon Lanz (2018). „Strategic Responsiveness? Electoral Incentives and Individual Constituency Responsiveness” presented at the ECPR Joint Sessions, Nicosia, April 10-14.

Giger, Nathalie and Simon Lanz (2018). „The Consequences of a Multidimensional Political Space for Issue Ownership Voting” presented at the SPSR Annual Conference, Geneva, Feb 5-6

Giger, Nathalie, Heike Klüver and Chris Wilko (2017). “Competition, Confusion and Policy Responsiveness:  Evidence from U.S. State Legislatures”, presented at the APSA Annual Conference, San Francisco, 31. August.-2. September.

Bernauer, Julian and Nathalie Giger (2017). „ Populist Representation: Conceptualizing the Voters’ Perspective of Populism in Europe” presented at the EPSA Annual Conference, Milano, June 24.-26.

Giger, Nathalie and Simon Hug (2016). „An error grave of consequence. Empirical models to study propensities to vote for political parties” presented at the EPSA Annual Conference, Bruxelles, June 23-25.

Giger, Nathalie and Simon Lanz (2016). „Who responds? A field experiment in the context of the Swiss elections 2015” presented at the SVPW Annual Conference, Basel, January 21-22.

Giger, Nathalie and Zoe Lefkofridi (2015). „Unequal representation in the EU” presented at the workshop Beyond the Democratic Deficit: Policy Representation and Differential Responsiveness in the EU, EUI, 14.-15. May 2015.

Rosset, Jan, Giger, Nathalie and Julian Bernauer (2014). “
Being Determines Consciousness? Economic Cleavages and Europeans’ Understanding and Evaluations of Democracy”, presented at the ECPR General Conference, Glasgow, Sept 3-5.

Bräuninger, Thomas, Giger, Nathalie and Tilko Swalve (2014). “The individual perception of political scales. A new method of scaling”, to be presented at the EPSA Annual Conference, Edinburgh, June 19-21.